Thursday, February 28, 2013


I'm doing track. I started on the nineteenth of Febuary. So far I have made many new friends and met new people. So far I have only ran because I have not done track before. I want to run the one hundred meter dash, but i may not get picked to do that event. in field I am not sure what I would want to do. I think track is making me a better athlete already beacause in gym it feels easier to run laps and I feel stronger. Track may give me a little bit of muscule pain, but that wont stop me. I think I souldn't quit no matter what.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seven doors

If there was seven doors that lead to different places what would you choose. If they lead to Wonderland, Narnia, neverland, Middle Earth, Hogwarts, camelot wat would you choose. i would choose Wonderland because I have always wanted to go to wonderland. I think it is an amazing place and if I got a chance I would go there. I geuss I am facenated in mad tea parties, Red queens , flowers that talk, and everything in wonderland. It seems like I would fit in. I think it would be fun to eat cake and grow and drink somthing and shrink.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Odd Thing

If a robber took everything in your house exept one odd thing would you be scared. If that ever happened to me I would be kind of courious about why the robber did not take the odd thing. i would think that in some way the thing would have linked to the robbery. I would be kind of freaked out about my other things, but I would examine the thing to see if there was some clue on it that would help find the culprut. Also , I would try to see if it was hollowed out or do research on it.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Best Friend

MY best friend Emily moved and I will never see her again. She left without warning me or saying goodbye. She was kicked out of her mom's friend's house along with her mom and sisters. She does not know what town she is in , but she says she is staying at her mom's boss' house.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Boys Across the street

I have nieghbors across the street who have six kids. Their names are Caleb, Eli, Landen, Gavin, Greyson, and Kennidy. Caleb is the oldest and he is twelve ,and we hang out all the time. We take walks, ride bikes, climb trees, and skateboard. Last summer we hung out everyday when he was at his mom's house. We had more fun when it was just me and him.

picture from here