Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Lost Girls

I am  in the school play, The Lost Girls. It is about eight girls who are at a sleep over when a Lost Boy flies into their room. The Lost Boy came to take Freya Lark, my characters best friend, to Never land. All of the girls come with,.  When they arrive, they are taken by pirates. After a sword fight, Captain Hook learns from Smee that Freya Lark is his daughter.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earth Day

Picture From Here

Yesterday was Earth Day. I can help keep our earth clean by doing little things. I can recycle my plastic bottles instead of throwing them away. I could turn off my lights as soon as I am done using them. I could turn off the water while I brush my teeth. One of my biggest problems is unplugging chargers after I'm done with them! Leaving them there, even when I'm not using them, is just a big waste of electricity. My mom uses reusable cloth bags when she goes to the grocery store. I really think it's cool that keeping the earth clean is so important that we dedicated a day to it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Puppy

We got a new puppy. She is a rat terrier. She was the runt of the litter and is very small for her breed. She is mostly white with an all black head. She has little black and brown polka-dots all over her back. We named her Pixie because she is so small. When we first got her, she could fit in one of my hands! Now she is bigger and more annoying. She likes to bite my fingers until she makes me bleed. My other dogs don't like her very much. She likes to bite them, too. They don't respond very well to this. They bite her back and run away.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Riding A Horse

This whole week I have been learning to ride a horse. It is a lot of fun. Before we start riding, we have to do exercises like hula-hooping and walking on stilts. These exercises teach us balance. If we do not have balance on a horse, we will most likely fall off. After we do these exercises, we play games with our horse. We lead them around the arena, we tell them to walk in a circle and come back to us, we tell them to back up, and we make them move their back ends by pressing our fingers on their back legs. Finally we get to ride our horses. It is a lot of fun. I learned how to lead my horse using reins yesterday, which was kind of difficult. I had a lot of fun.

Picture From  Here

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

If I Looked How I Feel...

If I looked how I would look excited. I am excited because after school I have a rehearsal for a play. We have already had one rehearsal, and we only read through our scripts. I am ready to act it out! I am also excited because, after the rehearsal, I am going to a 4-H clinic. I went to the first one yesterday, and it was really fun. I can't wait!
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Thursday, April 5, 2012


Over Memorial Day weekend my family is going to Memphis, Tenessee. We are going to their zoo to see the pandas. My thirteenth birthday is the week before, so I am allowed to bring one of my friends. I love pandas. They are my favorite animal. They are also my friends favorite animal. We are both really excited. My paretns said I could bring one friend with us, and my friend is moving the week before we leave for Memphis. That is why I chose to bring her.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Healthy Breakfasts

It is very important to start your day with a healthy breakfast. Being healthy is very important because it keeps us fit. Some other ways to stay healthy are by eating good foods. You won't stay very healthy for very long if you always eat burgers. Eating things like fruits and vegetables keeps your body in good shape. Some other ways to stay healthy are to exercise. It is very important to exercise. Even just sit-ups or a twenty minute run can help to keep you healthy. The recommended amount of exercise is one hour a day.
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