Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Lost Book

The  book is mysterious. It holds secrets of things that have happened and locations to lost items. This book could be dangerous if it ends up in the wrong hands. The book is a lost item. This book was lost centuries ago. many people have died trying to recover the book.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Abstract Letter Project


The reason we are not allowed to have Cheez-its is because it's a detraction. Instead of people doing their work they will take a 15 minute Cheez-it break. That can't happen. We need to have everyone working. Sometimes someone will start games with Cheez-its. Some of the games are Cheez-it football and Cheez it wars.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


School is really boring. It is 8 hours of sitting there doing absolutely nothing except for listen to the teacher. The only hour that's not boring is P.E. The teachers give us lots of homework and expect all of it to be done and turned in the next day. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When i Broke My Wrist

It seems like it was just yesterday. I was playing in gym and I tripped over a football at the field and BOOM! It happened. I slammed onto the ground and landed on my arm.
Arm in Cast - ClipArt Best - ClipArt Best

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Beach Symbols

One day over the summer I went to the beach. It was just at sunset wen we started walking. I was walking my dog along the beach when suddenly we stumbled upon these weird symbols. They looked freshly made. They looked like some kind of alien symbols. Some of them looked like animals and others looked like letters.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What I Know About 9/11

9/11 happened in 2001. The first tower was hit, then about ten minutes later the second tower was hit. After about half an hour both towers collapsed. There was so much dust that you could barely see. There was 30 police officers that died.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why Gym Isn't Fun

Everyone is really slow. Brandon gets us in trouble a lot. Yesterday we had to do extra push ups and laps. Everyone cuts corners so we have to run more. We don't have very much time to play games because it takes us longer to do our exercises. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thank You Note

Dear Duncan,

 Thank you for the garlic and onion flavored gum. It tasted kind of bad at first. I gave some away. It smelled horrible.The gum was stale when you gave it to me. I would not eat it again if you gave it to me.
Garlic Flavored Bubble Gum :: SKREW ::

Thursday, August 28, 2014


My favorite sport is basketball. I like to play on inside courts; unless it is around 70 degrees. It is especially fun when my friends are at the YMCA. When they are we play 5 vs. 5. When you are practicing you should practice on all parts of your game.
Basketball Basketball Backgrounds – Cool Backgrounds

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


My name is Hunter Montorsi. I will be using this blog throughout the first semester.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Nation

New Mexico Bononza City
40 kids/pioneers
kids live on their own with no adults the oldest being 15 even the leaders are kids
40 days of chileren living on their own
4 leaders
The 4 leaders are only temporary
You can decide to give up and go home any time you want
Every few days you have to give a golden star to a child worth 20,000 dollars
The council can't tell anyone about the gold star because they don't wanna start a riot
The kids are surprised because there's nothing in the old houses and buildings
All the kids stsrted arguing as soon as they found the nation they just stared in with what to make for dinner and where is she gonna live and where is he gonna leave and how are we gonna make this place better for us to live in
Everyone was yelling at the cook's because they were taking too long to cook and nobody knew how to cook or clean or anything like that because they were all kids under 15 and didn't know how to do naything and the leaders are over wealmed because their trying really hard to get the rest of the nation to eork out and it's not working because they were just learning everything
The leaders just wanna prove that they can be leaders without any help and they can keep a nation going


They started getting eggs and goat milk on the 2nd day
The kids were hungry and started arguing with eachother on who got more food than who
Everyone was arguing with the leaders and the bigger kids were trying o get the leaders to ack down so that the older kids could become the new leaders
The leaders are thinking that Mikeal needs the gold star and now the rest of the nation will get oraganised
The kids are taking their notes and are seperating the people in to groups blue, red, yellow, and green
A lot of kids are really wanting to go home only on the second day


Greg and Blake wrote go blue all over the walls
They have 40 kid sand one bathroom
They all got jobs and are now having a competitionon and they are going district aginst district
You have to grab a giant pipe and plug it in to the ground to get water and when you get the water out of the ground you have to catch your teams water color and fill all the bottles up if they fill all the bottles up in one hour they get a giant prize all together
Red-upper class = $1.00
Blue-merchant class = $0.50
Yellow-cooks = $0.25
Green-laborers = $0.10
They all one the big reward
Either 4 outhouses or a TV that they can watch whenever they want
The council members chose the outhouses becasue the they would NEVER have time to watch the TV


Everybody under-estimated the yellow team the food was delicious
It's getting better but Taylors still not sure if she will stay or not


The very first town hall meeting is on the 5th day
Taylor decided that she would stay
Jimmy wanted to go home because he was super hom sick and scared and eeveryone tried to talk him out leaving and evryone was proud of him because he lasted so long and was only 8 years old
On the fifth day the council showed the 39 of them the gold star
Sofia got the gold star because she worked so hard and she apolagized for being bossy and said she would try to get better
Sofia got to call her parents because she won the gold star
Everyone is now determined to get a gold star


Watching the kids struggle and work really inspired me becaus eif they can run a town with no adult help then the least I can do is help my parents out with the house because I have help at home and I have my parents and I only have my 1 house not an entire town.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I'm running track. The reason I am running track is to get back in shape for cross country. I like to run but my mile is a 8:29 and most of the girls are in the 6 minute mile 7 minute mile range. I am way behind. I am just hoping I can get back in to shape. Yesterday we did UCLA's which are jogging the curved part then sprinting a 100. I kinda wanna run 100's but i'm not sure is I can. There are a lot of track sprinters and I don't know if I can be one of them. I don't know that I could be distance either. I am just really hoping that I can be a sucsessful runner.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Picture from here
Somehing that bugs me a lot is bullying. I don't understand why you have to make others feel bad about themselvees when your having a bad day. Just because their having a bad day doesnt mean that I have to have a bad day too. People bully me because im smaller than them, or maybe its because im a girl. one way or another they think that their going to get away with bullying. They don't just bully me they bully other people too. For example, at the zombie dance people were coming up to me and touching my arm with pencil erasers and it bothered me because they didn't need to be touching me. I asked them not very nicely to stop and probably should not have reacted the way I did because they kept on, and now they were laughing at my. Why? Because I was smaller than them and they got away with it, because of this factor.
I'm small but it's not my fault, I wish it would just stop.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

Picture from here

Im writing a sequal to a book called "The Fault in Our Stars" on an app called Wattpad. Wattpad is for young authors to write stories and sequals and prequals and try to figure out story information and writing format. The book I am writing a sequal to was origanally wrote By: John Green. The way he ends the book is sad and "unfinished" you could say. He ends it with a girl crying and looking for a sequal for a book, but she never gets the sequal. So I decided to write a sequal to cheer people who have read the book up a bit, make them happier that the book ended the way it does.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Picture From Here

I think that  this is incorrect because if everyones special then no ones special anymore. I mean if one kid likes reading and another likes sports since so many people like reading and sports that their talent isn't as special but it is ordinary. I think that Europe's statement is true because it lets people be ordinary. Without the bullying and teasing. I think this becasue kids get picked on because of the intrests. The kid that likes to read might get picked on by the kid that likes sports because they don't have the same intrests. But Europes policy says everyone has the right to be ordinary and the United States is everyone has the right to be special. While some people may htink that the United States is correct because it encourages you to chase your dreams, its not special if everyone has the same dream their chasing.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


 I got a metting letter from the NJHS and they want me for a meeting. I think that the NJHS program would be really fun because you would get to help out with the programs for school and all kinds of cool things. Plus i want to be a teacher or book publisher and a member of the NJHS would look really good on college and job applications. I am really hoping that the meeting works out and I can become a member of the NJHS but if they don't accept me then i guess that's okay too but it would be really dissapointing not to get in.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Picture From Here
I would want to go to Wonderland because I would like to meet the crazy cat and the Alice and go on all the adventures like Alice does. To come along and be the new person, but not just the new person but the new person that's accepted. The new person that comes along and saves everybody with these crazy ideas but everybody goes along with it. Maybe Alice didn't feel accepted because she was new or a girl or something lie that but in reality, she saved the all with these crazy ideas that they all went along with and maybe even improved the ideas.

Wonderland seems like a place where even if u don't fit in they will accept you because nobody is normal in Wonderland, they are all a bit strange and they accept you. I think that being accepted is something somebody needs, or they will feel neglected.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Hope I Don't Forget My Friends

Picture From Here 

Something I will never forget about being this age is my friends. I really hope that none of my friends or I get different personalities that cause us to not like eachother as much as we do. I think a lot of adults forget about friendship because of changing too much and my friends and I not only are great friends but we know when ones upset about something and are there for them even if they won't tell us what's going on. I really do hope that my friends hope to remember me as much as I hope to remember them.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Micro Windmills for Energy Sources?

Picture From Here 
Powering personal devices with solar energy has became common, wind energy to do the same has never been considered because it would involve the task of carrying round windmills with you all the time. But, what if you could shrink the windmill so much a thousand windmills could fit snugly in the sleeve of a phone case? Jung-Chih Chaio, the engineering professor at a university in Texas, is working on this project. In fact, at their widest point they only have one and eight tenths (1.8) of a millimeter ,ten of the could fit on a single grain of rice. Chaio built the mini-windmills with his with his associate, Smith Rao, found that the best way to catch the energy was to catch the energy from big gusts of wind in their own backyards. This turned on night lights, without installing any turbines. This project will probably be arduous, but not impossible.

I assert that mini windmills might actually happen if Rao and Chaio have time to crate the windmills, especially working in a university. I have read and contemplated a different blog on this subject and they have agreed that the mini-windmills might just work, and may be coming soon. The mini-windmills are built with very durable and flexible alloy. This is basically a process of harnessing wind and turning it into energy sources. Because, Chaio is still working on the prototypes, he won't tell anyone how much power the windmill is capable of generating. Rao and Chaio will have to get a patent though, or they cannot sell the mini windmills. The tiny windmills can be produced cheaply enough to be commercially viable, because so many people can be made from a single wafer. I believe that Chaio and Rao will withstand for this invention.

Monday, January 27, 2014


My name is Allison Payne. I'll be using this blog during third quarter.