Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Nation

New Mexico Bononza City
40 kids/pioneers
kids live on their own with no adults the oldest being 15 even the leaders are kids
40 days of chileren living on their own
4 leaders
The 4 leaders are only temporary
You can decide to give up and go home any time you want
Every few days you have to give a golden star to a child worth 20,000 dollars
The council can't tell anyone about the gold star because they don't wanna start a riot
The kids are surprised because there's nothing in the old houses and buildings
All the kids stsrted arguing as soon as they found the nation they just stared in with what to make for dinner and where is she gonna live and where is he gonna leave and how are we gonna make this place better for us to live in
Everyone was yelling at the cook's because they were taking too long to cook and nobody knew how to cook or clean or anything like that because they were all kids under 15 and didn't know how to do naything and the leaders are over wealmed because their trying really hard to get the rest of the nation to eork out and it's not working because they were just learning everything
The leaders just wanna prove that they can be leaders without any help and they can keep a nation going


They started getting eggs and goat milk on the 2nd day
The kids were hungry and started arguing with eachother on who got more food than who
Everyone was arguing with the leaders and the bigger kids were trying o get the leaders to ack down so that the older kids could become the new leaders
The leaders are thinking that Mikeal needs the gold star and now the rest of the nation will get oraganised
The kids are taking their notes and are seperating the people in to groups blue, red, yellow, and green
A lot of kids are really wanting to go home only on the second day


Greg and Blake wrote go blue all over the walls
They have 40 kid sand one bathroom
They all got jobs and are now having a competitionon and they are going district aginst district
You have to grab a giant pipe and plug it in to the ground to get water and when you get the water out of the ground you have to catch your teams water color and fill all the bottles up if they fill all the bottles up in one hour they get a giant prize all together
Red-upper class = $1.00
Blue-merchant class = $0.50
Yellow-cooks = $0.25
Green-laborers = $0.10
They all one the big reward
Either 4 outhouses or a TV that they can watch whenever they want
The council members chose the outhouses becasue the they would NEVER have time to watch the TV


Everybody under-estimated the yellow team the food was delicious
It's getting better but Taylors still not sure if she will stay or not


The very first town hall meeting is on the 5th day
Taylor decided that she would stay
Jimmy wanted to go home because he was super hom sick and scared and eeveryone tried to talk him out leaving and evryone was proud of him because he lasted so long and was only 8 years old
On the fifth day the council showed the 39 of them the gold star
Sofia got the gold star because she worked so hard and she apolagized for being bossy and said she would try to get better
Sofia got to call her parents because she won the gold star
Everyone is now determined to get a gold star


Watching the kids struggle and work really inspired me becaus eif they can run a town with no adult help then the least I can do is help my parents out with the house because I have help at home and I have my parents and I only have my 1 house not an entire town.