Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Picture from here
Somehing that bugs me a lot is bullying. I don't understand why you have to make others feel bad about themselvees when your having a bad day. Just because their having a bad day doesnt mean that I have to have a bad day too. People bully me because im smaller than them, or maybe its because im a girl. one way or another they think that their going to get away with bullying. They don't just bully me they bully other people too. For example, at the zombie dance people were coming up to me and touching my arm with pencil erasers and it bothered me because they didn't need to be touching me. I asked them not very nicely to stop and probably should not have reacted the way I did because they kept on, and now they were laughing at my. Why? Because I was smaller than them and they got away with it, because of this factor.
I'm small but it's not my fault, I wish it would just stop.